
All the retreats, all over the world, all the soul fam.

Remember Who You Are, Upstate New York, July 2017

Transform and Transcend, Bali Indonesia, Dec.-Jan. 2018

Remember Who You Are, Los Angeles, CA, April 2018

Dream Beyond Mastermind, Bali Indonesia, Dec. 2018

Awaken and Ascend, Bali Indonesia, Dec.-Jan. 2019

Quantum Leap Your Life, Sedona, AZ, June 2019

Sacred Soul Immersion, Mount Shasta, CA, August 2019

Odyssey, 1440 Multiversity, CA, Nov. 2019

Embodied Ascension, Maui, Hawaii, June 2021

Akashic Ascension Immersion, Big Island, Hawaii, April 2022

ASCENCIA, Bali, Indonesia November 5-12, 2023

“A couple years ago, Sydney’s inner child transmission on You Tube opened a door of awareness and propelled my healing journey to a deeper level.  The experience lovingly guided me to connect with and begin to heal an infant part of myself that was crying out to be heard and held.  I began to follow Sydney and felt aligned with her work.

When her offering for a retreat in Bali dropped in, I knew I was meant to be there.  The land called me and already felt like home, even though it was on the opposite side of the world. Several months before the journey, my pain body began to get very loud and called for a lot of attention.  I was in higher states of confusion, distrust, fear and depression than I had been in years.

The original focus of my intentions for Bali shifted from activating my divine gifts to now supporting and understanding my energetic and physical systems. I needed support in cellular healing, purification, re-activating my remembrances of the wisdom of my body to heal and to be surrounded by others in loving presence.

This retreat gave me everything I needed and so much more.  Sydney created such a loving, playful, authentic and safe container.  This was the first retreat that I was excited to come home to share the new energies that were within and around me in my relationships and service work.

My nervous system received such an upgrade that things felt softer and I felt a deeper trust in the present moment, whatever arose.  Sydney took great care to offer both pre and post support and create a container to promote a coherent field within our group.

Grateful for the loving connections to my new Bali soul family. Everything felt so balanced.  My heart was touched by the beautiful beings I got to share space with at the Gaia Retreat Center.  I felt like a goddess and was so cared for by the retreat center angels.

The vibrant meals, nourishing body work, reliable car service, open spa amenities, sensitive yoga sessions, powerful authentic relating practices, sacred outings, organic daily offering flows, sound healing and Sydney’s personal guidance and participation in all of the group’s experiences made it truly feel like Heaven on earth.

It all felt magical, deeply aligned and divinely crafted.

Now that I have had some time to reflect and begin to integrate this profound experience, some new truths have emerged.  Pain isn’t here to scare me into thinking something is wrong, it is telling me to listen and trust that my body is doing something right.

It is my invitation to go in and open up, rather than hide and close down.  Pain is a gateway.

I am now also deeply in touch with and respect the cyclical nature of existence and my own rhythms, allowing my body and energies to be seen, felt and heard as part of flow and freedom.  It is all welcome and honored.

Bali’s land, the people and our group field tuned me into the energies of abundance, gratitude and the flow of giving and receiving.

Being able to witness others, be seen and exchange healing presence in such a sacred container offers me lifelong nourishment, learning, activations and support.

The group’s practices with discernment and choice empowered me and re-awakened my remembrance that I am a divine channel and can choose to move whatever energy I need for myself and for the collective. Anything is possible.”

~ Melissa Hill, MA, ART-BC, Art Therapist, Mindfulness Guide, ASCENCIA Participant

“I was called to Bali to continue my soul evolution and personal growth though this container and meet more soul family. 

I felt this retreat would specifically support my accelerated path of awakening consciousness, acquiring new wisdom codes and healing my physical and emotional bodies.

My experience in the retreat was uniquely purifying, cleansing, deeply spiritual, soulful, eye-popping, awakening, joyful, playful, connecting, expansive – an adventurous journey through the looking glass with Sydney in Bali Wonderland.

Our retreat center was a very supportive place to be staying and grounding during the retreat. Good food, angelic helpers, sauna, pool, hot tub and ice bath. I also surprisingly found both the sound baths and your journey transmissions to be hugely supportive and restorative in grounding my energy deep within me. Also the day of silence was awesome. The group and one-on-one work we did was also very supportive. 

All the beautiful synchronicities and flow that naturally occurred throughout the retreat. Our water purification ceremony had so much meaning and intention connected to it. By far one of the more powerful ceremonies I have been honored to move through. 

The greatest gift I received was the reopening now my heart to compassion, being non-judgmental of myself and others, shinning my light and loving unconditionally. And connection to new soul family. 

I learned to let go of expectations, timelines and always be in the flow of the here and now. To tune into my emotional triggers and outdated thought forms as various members of the group who triggered me became the reflective mirror for my own personal growth. So grateful for any opportunity to see myself and be an agent of change for myself. And that I want to move to Bali and live there for a couple of months.

Now I am able to remember to always see the light that shines brightly within every soul and embrace diversity. Something I already knew but lost it somewhere, somehow and was able to embody it again on Bali.

I celebrate knowing now more deeply that I have such deep wisdom, acquired codes and incredible plethora of Divine gifts that I have acquired on my journey of life. Ones that are deserving to be shared out and experienced by others as I step into being a magical elder in this kick-ass chapter of my journey. 

These kind of retreats are best for Open minded, adventurous souls from those early on their journey of awakening to more advanced souls looking for energetic upgrades, deep cleansing, wisdom codes, community, connection, cultural immersion, play and fun.”

~ Bruce Cohn, Business + Finance Expert, Wisdom Channel, Akashic Facilitator, Sound Healer

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